S.R.Weber /// Stein Weber /// Aristo Tacoma /// Stein Hennning Reusch:
programmer, photographer, writer and artist
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His programming language
From the background:
S R Weber and Aristo Tacoma are artist names for
Stein Henning W Reusch Braten. The "Weber" has its source
from Maria von Weber back on mother's side;
other pen names over the years: Stein von Reusch,
and his schoolname Henning Bråten. He is son of Else Reusch Bråten and
prof.emeritus, dr.philos. Stein Bråten.
From school age onwards, has worked with programming,
and had regular contact with friend of family, Kristen
Nygaard (who, with Ole-Johan Dahl, authored Simula-67,
the first object/class-oriented programming language);
Nygaard gently guided the initial phases of own language
development around year 2000 during some coffee meetings.
Studies in psychology at the University of Bergen,
cognitive science in Oslo, etc; visited David Bohm,
physicist, during the psych. studies (1986), thereafter
twice the next years. After a series of interviews with
scientists, philosophers etc, including Ilya Prigogine,
Nobel Prize laurate and Roger Penrose, Oxford-professor
and author of the seminal book The Emperor's New Mind
(it was David Bohm later on, during a seminar in Oslo,
who recommended contact with Penrose) in a magazine he took
part in creating (Flux), got to know Arne Naess (8 interviews).
He was invited to open the seminar Information Technology
in the Service of the Welfare Society in the Norwegian
Parliament 17 April 1996, for members of the Parliament
and for government members. Made several versions of a new
programming language, last version completed in 2015,
G15 PMN, with the intention to promote clear thinking in
the digital realm. Have produced a summary of physics in
the prolongation of David Bohm and L de Broglie's work
also in self-publ. book see rawtext and with new G15 PMN formalism and
new formulation of combination of relativity and quantum
in National Library of Norway: oria db
More books! bibsys/oria.
and this and these
(cfr artist names Aristo Tacoma, Stein von Reusch, Henning W Reusch).
Wrote introduction to the significant Norwegian painter Frans
Widerberg's exhibition Aurum, in Galleri K, Oslo, 2000,
and after about three years further contact with Widerberg
in his atelier, used a decade for development of own
technique in painting, avenuege.com/art.
Programming, see also here.
Also writes scifi. Is doing robotics software development and
has proposed a new concept to replace AI, namely FCM.
>>>Norwegian version.