G15 PMN is the concept of the limited PC, unleashing your limitless mind. It is a mind-stimulating, art-stimulating, logic-stimulating platform where the computer is providing a limited but acutely esthetical set of impulses: a green-only screen, 1024x768 pixels, and requiring a physical mouse and keyboard, steering mostly everything by snappy keyboard commands. The platform also has in it text editing, spreadsheets, optionally mind-stimulating g15vid video, robotics FCM, games and more. The original source of G15 PMN programming language designed by Aristo Tacoma is here: norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm The image on top shows screen when G15 PMN app #5553588 is running. The photo shown inside the app by Aristo is taken by, and copyright, Aristo, please see full acknowledgements at page 105 in the fashion magazine BERLiNiB, its 2020/B issue: Full PDF BERLiNiB 2020/B Aristo Tacoma is artist name for S.H.Reusch, with main other artist name is S.R.Weber. If you have questions about G15 PMN and/or projects you are welcome to use our contact email: berlinib@aol.com