GPS robotics by Aristo Tacoma Click here to open up PDF book manus with Art of Thinking, vol.4, by Aristo Tacoma. G15 PMN Spreadsheet, also called "GPS", is an application using the core definitions of FCM inside G15 PMN. [For all standard G15 PMN apps, consult] GPS G15 Pmn Spreadsheet with robotics Here GPS is elegantly expanded so that it permits interactive control over robots, and indeed program integration with FCM for real robotic work --which is entirely free of the inconsequential thinking which goes under the term "AI" and its fancy variations; "AI" is but a slogan covering up nonthinking. More about this in Library. More about author and quicklinks here. A main initial task is production of avenueGE scents--buy to sponsor this. A useful app for those who explore the G15 PMN FCM approach to robotics with its G15RBT and G15RCAM packages. This app is a stand-alone extract of the on-going work with free downloads below, that can be used to learn about the 14 match images in relation to any 160x112 bit pixel images that are input from each camera in ongoing robot work, so as to program FCM pattern matching: App #1005768: DOWNLOAD. Completed date 2024:8:21. Written by Aristo Tacoma. IN DEVELOPMENT: APP# 1005769 Robotic computational node network with emulated robot task, getting order in an image through successively sorted actions App# 1005769 is the 'companion app' to the Art of Thinking by Aristo Tacoma, fourth volume, made as an expansion of # 1005768 according to the description inside this volume with suitable corrections. The volumes are available at, link to #4 above. This app is being worked on monthly or more often until complete: App #1005769: DOWNLOAD. Written by Aristo Tacoma. Apps just above are for G15 PMN proper, ie, interactive but some other apps on this page are tailor-made to work both with G15 PMN in standard interactive version AND with the G15 BG Batch Graphics version, which is grand for robotics as it can go in the background on a small screen and a not-too-fast computer with only as much CPU usage as required for pattern matching and goal sorting relative to the robotic hardware. THE G15RBT AND G15RCAM AS HERE PRESENTED WITH FREE DOWNLOADS JUST BENEATH ARE, AT SOME INTERACTION POINTS, TAILOR-MADE FOR A LINUX ENVIRONMENT. HOWEVER THESE POINTS ARE FEW AND THESE CARDS ARE EASILY REPROGRAMMED FOR ANOTHER ENVIRONMENT, INCLUDING DOS IN VIRTUALBOX, AND, WHEN IT'S READY SOME YEAR IN THE FUTURE, THE PC DESIGNED AROUND THE PHYSICAL G15 CPU WHERE G15 PMN RUNS NATIVELY AS AN OS Hardware: At present we work with the excellent open source licensed robotic hardware product by the Chinese factory Ufactory, called xArm7, with G15 PMN throning over it through Ubuntu in its latest long-term release, as sole platform on a powerful Asus laptop. If you can afford an xArm7 there is no easier installation instructions for Ubuntu for it than here--and Ubuntu is much more robot- and first-hand programming friendly than Windows, which is not as much an operating system as a hardware-bound emulation with surface features of an operating system. Meaning, they are in control, and as such, no real programming on Ms Windows can be done. Full installation info: [[[Note: project is in very early stage and is updated many times each season:]]] initrbt.txt Get the development program package: The G15RBT is for instructing the motions of the robot. When you have got it going, set up the G15RCAM, next, in exactly the same way, with the same 'xarm' subfolder and all, to work with camera input from it. See the open source licenses involved and pls respect these. G15BG: G15 PMN in Batch Graphics version for Linux 64-bit Amd/Intel and Android Phones ARM and some other ARM Linux'es This is an aspect of the G15RBT package, and can be used for production setups with robots, and as an informal little extra programming terminal on a tiny Android device. All you need are standard free open source programs like Xterm for Linux and the .six-image enabled Termux/Monet, an excellent open source package which is a fork of the also excellent open source package Termux, for Android, here included (respect their licenses). Installation instructions: here. These are also inside the zip, but read them carefully first. Linux-users: There is usually a little bit extra you must type to enable Xterm to work with .six images in a proper font and with a proper SHIFT-INS style of copy/paste-function in a Debian-oriented Linux like Ubuntu. This you'll find easily on but I have summarized them here, in these two (slightly cryptic) comment sections of these two tiny .txt files: making_libsixel_work_in_ubuntu.txt and: info_howtostart_xterm_sixel.txt ======================================= The G15BG package, Ubuntu and similar Linuxes, and Android, with ready-to-run binaries: Once you get the knack of using G15BG, you'll find that it is excitingly fast and equally excitingly low in system resource demand and, once you have ironed out the kinks, it is a factory/ production/active domestic robot oriented way of running G15 PMN FCM robotic node networks, also on small computers like Raspberry Pi. Fast hint: learn how to use the Third Foundation with G15BG and its SCAN and CAR functions, instead of going by the CAR editor. Click CTR-P for a larger screen-image than that which is produced at ENTER. ====================================== FOR G15BG USERS PLEASE NOTE: Any highly user-interactive feature of G15 PMN and also timing/pause stuff aren't used in G15 Batch Graphics and so references to 'activepause', 'CK', etc must typically be altered at a few points in such as the spreadsheet, in the 'scan' function (the robotics app comes along with a 'bgscan' that does this so the Third Foundation is unchanged). See the completed robotics apps as for what they suggest when it comes to G15BG usage for the fullest documentation and programs that are fully compatible with G15BG without further alteration. EXTRA Here's a couple of the standard G15 PMN programs you can try with G15BG, including editor: Read its info: bgextra1.txt It is easy to set up more programs yourself to be used with the mountf command, just get them to run from card 1 in fdisk, then rename them suitably. More for G15BG: some utility programs as included in standard G15 PMN, including export from B9edit to .txt file: Its info: bgextra2.txt FEEDBACK: Aristo Tacoma alias Stein Henning Braten Reusch alias SRWweber Editor, BERLiNiB fashion magazine